Doggy Village

For Breeder

All the dogs deserve the best chews and treats, that is why we created a breeder program

 A Special box for Puppies 

Need a layette for your puppies For this occasion, we have prepared a Puppy Set that will work perfectly. Each layette set is individually packed for your puppy! If you have other ideas for layette for your puppies, write an email with your idea of layette 😊.

Are you looking for an offer for chews for your kennel

We are currently in the process of creating an offer for breeders, however, if you are interested in purchasing chews for your kennel right now, please contact us to prepare a customized offer for your kennel we offer 1 kg bags of chews and treats.

Doggy Village

Doggy Village

Special Price for breeders

We offer special discounts for the breeders and bags 1 kg for their dogs.


All dogs deserve the best quality chews and treats and we hope we can start and maintain puppy life for senior dogs with our chews which are important in dogs' diet. Our chews and treats provide a lot of nutrition to dogs' diets and help maintain strong jaws and clean teeth, moreover, a lot of them help to maintain shiny coats.

Great for Traing:

Easy to use at Traing sessions

For all dogs:

All dogs will be enjoying this from small to big ones

Nutrition value:

Good for building health dog dilates and nutrition .

Clean teeth

Amazing for teeth cleaning.

If you are interested in our breeder offer please email us or what's app us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Who already use our treats from FCI register kennels in United Arabs of Emirates 

Supporting MDK

The best kennel for Malinos and working dogs. 

Supporting VON Team Emirates

The best kennel for German Sheppards  

Who already use our treats from FCI register kennels in Bahrain 

Supporting Aldana Kennel

The best kennel for Saluki in Middle East