Paul Dargham

The best dog Training programs and trainer in Dubai

Paul Dargham is a certified dog trainer by the best dog training schools in France “Centre herve Pupier” & In Netherlands “Ybajo Hoeve”

M: +971 52 969 8705


IG: Paul dargham

FB: Paul dargham

Puppy Traing :

Every puppy should finish at least puppy school Traing to know basic commands

For all dogs:

All dogs can start training does not matter their age

Group Training :

Your dog will learn how to work and listen when others are around

Social Walks

Social walks are very important for great walking on leash

Obedience :

All dog should listen to the owner. This course is perfect to make your dog perfectly obedient in public.

Service dogs

Service dogs are important for people with medical disability dogs are trained for person needs

Agility :

All dogs love activity why not to try agility perfect for all breeds .

Protection Dogs

If you want to teach your dog to protect you and your family this is perfect course for you

Search and rescue :

perfect for dogs who love to use their nose and owners who love to work as a team .


Amazing activity for dogs who love to use their nose and have fun doing it

Doggy Village

Sign in for Class

All dogs deserve a good training class .

Sign in for the class you are interested in and we will contact you about arability and prices.

Fill out the survey:

Doggy Village

Doggy Village

Puppy Training




You and your puppy will learn:

  • Basic commands: sit, come, leave it, walking on the leash and much more
  • How to work and communicate with your dog
  • Potty training
  • Socialized with other dogs: how to play, when to stop, read signals of others
  • Breed lifestyle and needs
  • What toys, collars and leashes to use for trainng
  • And much more

Puppy school is for dogs:

8 weeks to 8 month old  (before attending all the necessary vaccines needs to by given to dog for health and safety reasons)

Group Course details:

10 meatings twice a week for one hour

- Group of max 5 dogs

Doggy Village

Puppy Training




You and your puppy will learn:

  • Basic commands: sit, come, leave it, walking on the leash and much more
  • How to work and communicate with your dog
  • Potty training
  • Socialized with other dogs: how to play, when to stop, read signals of others
  • Breed lifestyle and needs
  • What toys, collars and leashes to use for trainng
  • And much more

Puppy school is for dogs:

8 weeks to 8 month old  (before attending all the necessary vaccines needs to by given to dog for health and safety reasons)

Group Course details:

5 meetings once a week for one hour Price 500 AED

- Group of max 5 dogs  

Doggy Village

Social Walks

This class is designed for dogs who have problems with relationships with other dogs and also for dogs who does not know how to properly behave on leash when other are around. As a problem we can understand various types of dog's behavior that are perceived as problematic by the guardians, but mainly are a manifestation of discomfort felt by the dog and owner.

You and your dog will learn

  • How to behave when other dpgs are around
  • How to work and communicate with your dog
  • How to stop this pulling behavior
  • Socialized with other dogs: how to play, when to stop, read signals of others
  • Breed lifestyle and needs

Social walk is for every dog

Starting from 2 month old (all vaccine are required). Your dog does not need to have any course to participate in this program.

Group Course details:

 twice or once a week for one hour 

50 AED per session

- Group of max 10 dogs

Doggy Village

Obedience Training

Obedience training involves teaching your dog some basic commands (sit, stay, down-stay, walking to heel) as well as more advanced commands. Effective communication, routine and good timing is the key to achieving excellent obedience. Letting your dog know what’s expected of him/her, in a way he/she can understand, is the place to start. Remember your dog wants to please you – he just doesn’t know how.

You and your puppy will learn:

  • How to properly behave in public parks
  • How to work and communicate with your dog
  • Socialized with other dogs: how to play, when to stop, read signals of others
  • Breed lifestyle and needs
  • What toys, collars and leashes to use for trainng
  • And much more

Obedience school is for dogs:

starting from 6 month old (all vaccine are required). Preferred to have puppy school  

Group Course details:

10 meatings twice a week for one hour

- Group of max 5 dogs

Private Course details:

10 meetings twice a week for 1 hour

meetings and different locations house and park

Doggy Village

Obedience Training

Obedience training involves teaching your dog some basic commands (sit, stay, down-stay, walking to heel) as well as more advanced commands. Effective communication, routine and good timing is the key to achieving excellent obedience. Letting your dog know what’s expected of him/her, in a way he/she can understand, is the place to start. Remember your dog wants to please you – he just doesn’t know how.

You and your puppy will learn:

  • How to properly behave in public parks
  • How to work and communicate with your dog
  • Socialized with other dogs: how to play, when to stop, read signals of others
  • Breed lifestyle and needs
  • What toys, collars and leashes to use for trainng
  • And much more

Obedience school is for dogs:

starting from 6 month old (all vaccine are required). Preferred to have puppy school  

Group Course details:

5 meetings once a week for one hour price 750AED

- Group of max 5 dogs

Private Course details:

10 meetings twice a week for 1 hour

meetings and different locations house and park

Doggy Village

Search and Rescue

If you are fascinated by the possibilities of a dog's sense of smell, one of the opportunities to get excited about it will be tracking classes. We invite completely beginner dog handlers to them, as well as those who already have some experience. This course is designed for dogs of all ages and breeds and types. It is a series of six practical classes and one theoretical class.

During the theoretical classes you will learn how to work with a line (which is an integral part of tracking classes) and with the help of which you guide your dog on the trail. During the practical classes, your dog will learn how to follow the scent left by the poser who laid the trail and how to find him at the very end of the trail.

Important: the class lasts more than one hour. While your dog is not working, you are a poser for another dog in the group. Therefore, it is very important that your dog is able to stay quietly in the car alone or under the care of another family member.

You and your dog will learn

  • How to properly use long leash 
  • How to build a team with your dog
  • How dog nose works
  • How long the smell stays in the air

Search and rescue for every dog

Starting from 8 month old (all vaccine are required). Your dog does not need to have any course to participate in this program.

Group Course details:

5 meetings once a week for 3-4 hours Price 500 AED 

- Group of max 5 dogs

Doggy Village

Service Dog

Our dogs are extremely important parts of our daily lives. They follow our commands, work with us in various capacities, and act as faithful companions. Studies have shown that dogs provide health benefits. Service dogs have these abilities, combined with training to perform specific tasks for individuals with disabilities. A service dog is trained to take a specific action that helps an individual with a disability participate in daily life more fully. The task the dog performs is directly related to the person’s disability.

You and your dog will learn things what is needed for person disability this are types of disabilities which dogs are train for:

  • Allergy detection dogs 
  • Autism service dogs 
  • Diabetic Alert dogs 
  • Guide dogs 
  • Hearing dogs 
  • Psychiatric Service dogs  
  • Seizure Alert dogs  
  • Mobility assistance dogs

Service dog training :

Starting from 2 month old (all vaccine are required). This a long process to train the dog sooner you start you have better chance to train your dog to become your life assistant. Basic obedience and puppy class required.

Private Course details:

Contact Paul for direct discussion and training plan 

‭+971 52 969 8705‬

Doggy Village

Service Dog

Our dogs are extremely important parts of our daily lives. They follow our commands, work with us in various capacities, and act as faithful companions. Studies have shown that dogs provide health benefits. Service dogs have these abilities, combined with training to perform specific tasks for individuals with disabilities. A service dog is trained to take a specific action that helps an individual with a disability participate in daily life more fully. The task the dog performs is directly related to the person’s disability.

You and your dog will learn things what is needed for person disability this are types of disabilities which dogs are train for:

  • Allergy detection dogs 
  • Autism service dogs 
  • Diabetic Alert dogs 
  • Guide dogs 
  • Hearing dogs 
  • Psychiatric Service dogs  
  • Seizure Alert dogs  
  • Mobility assistance dogs

Service dog training :

Starting from 2 month old (all vaccine are required). This a long process to train the dog sooner you start you have better chance to train your dog to become your life assistant. Basic obedience and puppy class required.

Private Course details:

Contact Paul for direct discussion and training plan 

‭+971 52 969 8705‬

Doggy Village


Rally obedience is a very popular dog sport also called "loose" obedience. But don't be fooled, we train there with dogs and teach them new skills, which are arranged in a track. However, during the course of the track, where changes of position, walking at the leg, staying or overcoming obstacles are interspersed, we can reward the dog with praise, sometimes a treat or guide the dog with gestures. In this way, it is a discipline that allows us to enjoy our time together and perhaps also to prepare for competitions and there measure ourselves against the tracks prepared by the judge.

You and your dog will learn

  • How to work on track  
  • How to build a team with your dog

Agility for every dog

Starting from 8 month old (all vaccine are required). Your dog does not need to have any course to participate in this program.

Doggy Village


Nosework is a discipline derived from the work of dogs in service. It involves finding the source of a particular scent. While dogs on duty look for explosives or drugs, in nosework dogs search for the scents of cinnamon, clove or orange. This discipline is based on taking advantage of the natural predisposition of the dog's nose to pick up specific smells.

This activity is great for any dog, regardless of age, breed or temperament. Energetic dogs, calm dogs, withdrawn dogs and even dogs with disabilities can participate in the class.

During the class, the dog learns scent recognition and then how to find a hidden scent sample and point it out to its handler. The handler, in turn, learns how to help the dog search for the scent and to read the dog's signal that the sample has been found.

You and your dog will :

  • Builds the dog's independence and self-confidence
  • Calms and teaches concentration at the same time
  • By activating the brain delays its aging process
  • Gives pleasure to the dog and at the same time absorbs a lot of energy, which leads to healthy fatigue of the dog
  • Builds mutual understanding and improves communication between the dog and its handler

Nosework :

Starting from 6 month old (all vaccine are required).  Puppy class would be good but not required.

Private Course details:

Contact Paul for direct discussion and training plan 

‭+971 52 969 8705‬

Doggy Village


Nosework is a discipline derived from the work of dogs in service. It involves finding the source of a particular scent. While dogs on duty look for explosives or drugs, in nosework dogs search for the scents of cinnamon, clove or orange. This discipline is based on taking advantage of the natural predisposition of the dog's nose to pick up specific smells.

This activity is great for any dog, regardless of age, breed or temperament. Energetic dogs, calm dogs, withdrawn dogs and even dogs with disabilities can participate in the class.

During the class, the dog learns scent recognition and then how to find a hidden scent sample and point it out to its handler. The handler, in turn, learns how to help the dog search for the scent and to read the dog's signal that the sample has been found.

You and your dog will :

  • Builds the dog's independence and self-confidence
  • Calms and teaches concentration at the same time
  • By activating the brain delays its aging process
  • Gives pleasure to the dog and at the same time absorbs a lot of energy, which leads to healthy fatigue of the dog
  • Builds mutual understanding and improves communication between the dog and its handler

Nosework :

Starting from 6 month old (all vaccine are required).  Puppy class would be good but not required.

Private Course details:

Contact Paul for direct discussion and training plan 

‭+971 52 969 8705‬